Alternative Pathway to Board Certification in Laboratory Genetics and Genomics

Pilot program for the period of 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2024

Eligibility for Consideration:

ABMGG diplomates certified solely in Clinical Cytogenetics and Genomics OR Clinical Molecular Genetics and Genomics who would like to sit for the Laboratory Genetics and Genomics (LGG) certification examination.
Must be participating in the ABMGG continuing certification program

  • Time-limited pathway for eligibility
  • One opportunity to sit for the LGG examination in 2025
  • Registration with the ABMGG of intent must occur prior to beginning training

Required Components

All requirements must be completed by December 31, 2024

  1. Formal Education Components
    Content Defined by ABMGG; didactic program facilitated and implements by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) collaboratively. Registration is available through the ACMG.
    • Foundational Specialty Training Course
      • Designed for diplomates in either CGG or MGG to focus on the new content areas in the complementary specialty
      • Participation in the ACMG educational session, offered online
    • Analysis of electronic clinical cases (e-cases)
      • Minimum of 20 standard clinical cases in selected specialty
      • Not eligible as logbook cases
    • Participation in the ACMG Mentored Cases short course
      • Hands-on review case at the ACMG Annual Meeting
    • Completion of one ACMG Short Course in relevant area
  2. Supervised On-Site Laboratory Experience
    • Training site may include either of the following:
      • ACGME-accredited training program
      • Academic or commercial laboratory, with training supervised by an ABMGG-certified diplomate in LGG or corresponding specialty who is participating in Continuing Certification
    • On-site experience allows for completion of logbook requirements
  3. Compilation of Logbook
    • Cases must be supervised and reviewed by the ABMGG diplomate listed as supervisor of training
    • No more than 25 logbook cases may be collected during a single week.
    • Up to 75 logbook clinical cases may be obtained remotely with the input and supervision of the director of the laboratory training site.
      NOTE: these must be active clinical cases, not archive
  4. Completion of all other requirements/fees for credentialing to sit for the certification examination
    • Must submit application through the ABMGG portal

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What documentation does the on-site training clinical laboratory have to submit? What if a diplomate wishes to complete on-site training in more than one clinical laboratory?
A. All clinical laboratories training diplomates through this pathway must submit appropriate documentation and a description of the training plan. Each laboratory providing clinical training must complete the same forms and the training plan must be approved by the ABMGG in advance of initiating laboratory training.

Q. What is the deadline to submit application forms?
A. The final deadline to submit your application is September 30, 2024.

Q. How do I find a laboratory in which I can perform my on-site training?
A. It is the responsibility of interested diplomates to identify an academic or commercial laboratory in which to complete on-site training.

Q. Do I have to be actively participating in continuing certification (MOC) to be eligible to train through the alternative pathway and sit for the LGG examination?
A. Yes. Whether you hold a time-limited or non-time-limited certificate, you must be actively participating in the ABMGG continuing certification program.

Q. Is it still possible to complete the equivalent of one year of full-time training in either Clinical Molecular Genetics and Genomics (MGG) or Clinical Cytogenetics and Genomics (CGG) instead of pursuing the LGG alternative pathway?
A. Yes, interested diplomates may still follow the “traditional” pathway by approaching ACGME-accredited programs about possible positions. In such instance, a detailed training plan must be submitted to the ABMGG for approval prior to initiation of training.

Q. Can I train at a lab that is not directed by an ABMGG diplomate, such as a diplomate in Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) or a CCMG-certified laboratory geneticist?
A. No, the lab where you get your onsite experience must be directed by an ABMGG diplomate.

Q. What is considered “on-site” experience?
A.  On-site experience is obtained by doing supervised casework at either a clinical laboratory that is part of an ABMGG-accredited training program or in a non-accredited clinical laboratory that is directed by an ABMGG-certified diplomate participating in continuing certification (MOC) in the relevant specialty. No more than 25 logbook cases may be acquired in a single week. A minimum of 75 of the 150 required cases must be obtained through on-site training. Credit for up to 75 cases may be obtained remotely, by arrangement with the supervising laboratory director. Remote cases must still be active, real-time, clinical cases in the training laboratory.

Q. When assembling my logbook, may I use cases that I have signed out while fulfilling my own clinical responsibilities?
A. No.

Q. Does my prior training count towards the LGG Pathway?
A. No.

Q. What is the timeframe to complete the training?
A. This pathway is not limited to a specific timeframe, rather it is a completion of requirements. This will allow diplomates to do this on a part-time, likely longer, timeframe. All requirements must be complete by December 31, 2024.

Didactic Requirements

Q. What are the didactic requirements and how can I meet them?
A. Requirements include: 8- or 9-hour didactic course in the content area in which you are training; attendance at one didactic course, two relevant short courses, and completion of a set (20) of e-learning cases.

Q. Do I have to submit my application to the ABMGG before registering for the ACMG course?
A. No, you can sign up for the ACMG course before submitting your application to the ABMGG. You must complete both the didactic course and the on-site experience before you are eligible to sit for the Certification Exam.

Q. Will I be able to apply for CME/CEU credits after completing the foundational, specialty-specific didactic component of the LGG alternative pathway?
A. Yes, diplomates who complete either the molecular genetics or cytogenetics foundational course will be eligible for 8 or 9 hours of CME credit. Individuals who complete a short course will be eligible for 4.5 CME credits. Those who complete all requirements of the alternative training pathway and are credentialed to sit for the LGG board examination will receive a total of 25 CME credits (inclusive of the 18 from the foundational course and two short courses).


Q. When would I be eligible to take the LGG examination?
A. You will have one opportunity to sit for the LGG exam in 2025.

Q. If I fail to achieve certification during the 2025 examination, will I be able to take the exam again as a re-examinee?
A. No, the 2025 examination will be the final opportunity for candidates who completed the alternative pathway, regardless of how many other examination opportunities have been available.

Q. Do I have to take the General exam again?
A. No, you will not have to take the General exam. You will only need to take the LGG exam.

Q. How do I apply to sit for the LGG examination?
A. You are required to submit a certification application with any associated required documents and credentialing fees just as applicants would for any other specialty.  You must submit by the certification examination application deadline, which typically falls in early January of the exam year.

Q. If I fail the LGG certification exam, does it affect my current certification?
A. No. You do not risk losing your current certification regardless of how you perform on the LGG exam.