Scoring the Examination

In this type of examination, no candidate is expected to know the correct answer to every question. Even if a candidate is not familiar with all aspects of a particular question, he or she should answer all questions, marking the choice that best answers the question. There is no additional penalty for a wrong answer. Blank answers will be counted as incorrect.

On the basis of reliable scoring and reporting techniques with a variety of checks and verification procedures, the ABMGG is confident that the scores reported for each examinee are an accurate reflection of the answers marked. Since this is a computer examination, we do not offer hand-checks of the answers.

The passing standard for each ABMGG examination is derived through a criterion-referenced standard setting process where content experts define minimum competency. Thus, a candidate who receives a passing score has demonstrated mastery of the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with safe and effective patient care.

Reporting of Scores

Official notification of examination results will occur approximately 10-12 weeks after the examination is administered. In the interest of maintaining confidentiality of examinee information, examination results are not given by telephone or via fax. When results are ready, a notification will be sent to the email on record in the ABMGG portal.

Integrity of Scores

The giving or obtaining of unauthorized information or aid, as evidenced by observation or statistical analysis of answers, constitutes sufficient cause to invalidate a candidate’s score and to take other appropriate action.

The integrity of the results reported to candidates for their performance on these examinations is protected by every means available. Any score that is deemed not representative of a reasonable assessment of the candidate’s knowledge or competence as sampled by the examination shall be deemed irregular. The answers of all candidates are monitored and may be analyzed statistically for the purpose of detecting irregular scores.

If evidence suggests that scores may be irregular, the ABMGG may withhold a candidate’s report of results until determination is made as to whether, in the opinion of the ABMGG, the performance of a candidate is a reasonable assessment of the knowledge or competency assessed by the examination. If the ABMGG determines that a score is irregular, it may invalidate the results and then notify the candidate of the basis of its decisions.

All candidates for these examinations must acknowledge that they are aware of these regulations for maintaining the integrity of individual scores by signing a statement included in the online examination.