The ABMGG Credentials Committee will notify each applicant through the portal and by email regarding candidate status. If further documentation is required and/or the application is in some manner incomplete, the applicant will be notified via the portal.

Active Candidate Status Granted

Active Candidate Status is granted when all credentialing requirements have been satisfied in one or more specialty areas and all application review fees and examination fees have been paid. An applicant granted Active Candidate Status is eligible to sit the certifying examination(s) for the examination cycle for which they applied.

Active Candidate Status Denied

An applicant who has failed to satisfy one or more credentialing requirements will not be granted Active Candidate Status. Applicants who are denied Active Candidate Status may submit an appeal. Appeals of candidate status must be made in writing to the ABMGG Administrative Office within thirty (30) days of receipt by the applicant of notice of the adverse decision and include the appeal fee of $300. [Examination fees that were paid with the application review fee will be refunded if the application is denied.] To view the appeal process, click here.

Note: Active Candidate status expires at the time that the results of the ABMGG certification examination are released. At that time, the candidate is either certified or not certified in the specialty(ies) for which they sat. If a candidate fails to achieve certification for any reason (including withdrawal from the examination process), the individual loses their Active Candidate Status.


Applicants are required to complete all logbook requirements by completion of training. Applicants who do not complete training before March 15, 2025, must be making reasonable progress by the time the Continuation of Training form is due. Program Directors will attest that the logbook requirements are met at the end of training through the Verification of Completion of Training form. All logbooks can be audited by the review committee at any point.

The 2025 Logbook Requirements are posted here.

Endorsement Evaluation Form Submission Deadline

Evaluation forms will be sent directly to the individuals whose names are provided by the applicant. Active Candidate status will not be granted until all letters are received. The final date endorsements will be accepted is March 15, 2025. The administrative office will send reminders to the reviewers until the form is submitted. If you would like to change the individual selected for endorsement, please contact the administrative office for assistance.

Verification of Completion of Training forms submitted by the Program Director

  • Program director verification forms for applicants who have already completed training are due within 6 weeks of completion.
  • Program director verification of ongoing training forms for applicants who complete training between January 1, 2025, and July 31, 2025, are due March 31, 2025. The final verification of completion of training form is due by July 31, 2025.