Ultimate Pass Rate

Initial certification pass rate data was evaluated to determine each examinee’s ultimate pass or fail result within their eligibility period. It excludes those who are still eligible.

The table below details the ultimate pass or fail result of individuals eligible between 2015 and 2023.

SpecialtyUltimate Pass Rate
Clinical Genetics and Genomics95.0%
Clinical Biochemical Genetics90.4%
Laboratory Genetics and Genomics**98.3%
Medical Biochemical Genetics97.6%

**Laboratory Genetics and Genomics was offered for the first time in 2019, so the pass rate is not reflective of all years.

Individual Pass Rates

Below are the pass rates from the initial certification examinations from the last 10 years. The data is separated into three groups: total group, first taker, and repeater. The total group incudes all examinees, the first taker includes only those who are taking the exam for the first time, and repeater includes those who have previously taken the exam.