In today’s world, learning new information alone is no longer enough — you must demonstrate that you can apply the knowledge and skills in real-world situations. Continuing Certification accomplishes that by shifting the emphasis from simply acquiring knowledge to proving competency.

Continuing Certification is an ongoing process that reinforces key competencies that medical geneticists must continually master as they evolve and change over time. Through this process, you keep getting better at applying new medical knowledge, at your aptitude for delivering better quality medical care, and at communicating effectively with your patients.

Continuing Certification was also adopted as a professional response to the need for public accountability and transparency in health care. By maintaining ever-evolving high standards for performance and quality care, we increase the confidence of patients, other healthcare professionals, employers, insurers, and government representatives in our ability to deliver the best care possible.

What are the benefits of Continuing Certification?

For you: Continuing Certification is a process that helps you continuously assess your knowledge and skills, identify areas for improvement, and make meaningful changes that result in delivery of higher-quality patient care throughout your career. In other words, it is a system that helps you keep getting better at your chosen profession.

For patients: Continuing Certification is an objective measure that signals to patients that you’ve reached and maintain a high level of professional achievement.

For the profession: Continuing Certification is a proven system that validates our ongoing commitment to keep pace with higher standards and best practices in medicine and in delivery of patient care.

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