Continuing Certification

ABMGG’s Continuing Certification program is designed for board-certified diplomates to participate in continuous professional development, assuring lifelong learning and competency in their specialty(ies).

All Member Boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) require their diplomates to actively participate in a continuing certification program. The ABMS Program involves ongoing measurement of six core competencies defined by ABMS and ACGME:

  • Practice-based learning and improvement
  • Patient care and procedural skills
  • Systems-based practice
  • Medical knowledge
  • Interpersonal and communications skills
  • Professionalism

The competencies are measured within a four-part framework:

ABMGG’s Commitment to You

The ABMGG is committed to helping diplomates understand, prepare, and fulfill their Continuing Certification requirements. As the Continuing Certification landscape is ever changing, ABMGG will continue to update this site with new information.

Please address all Continuing Certification questions to