History of the ABMGG

Incorporated in 1980, the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics certifies individuals in the field of human genetics.

The establishment of the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics evolved out of a recognized need and commitment by the founding members to improve the level and standards of clinical care in the area of medical genetics, both for the care giver and the institutions providing care. It was also apparent that within this rapidly-expanding field, specific areas of expertise were emerging, all equally important components of the clinical genetics health care delivery system. Thus, a twelve-member Board of Directors was founded consisting of human geneticists representing expertise in the areas of clinical genetics, medical genetics, laboratory genetics (including clinical cytogenetics, clinical biochemical and clinical molecular genetics) and genetic counseling.

ABMGG Past Presidents & Board Chairs
ABMGG Past Presidents & Board Chairs
Dr. David Rimoin,
President, 1980-1983
Dr. OJ Miller,
President, 1984-1985
Dr. Walter Nance,
President, 1986-1987
Dr. C. Ronald Scott,
President, 1988
Dr. Larry Shapiro,
President, 1989
Dr. Charles Epstein,
President, 1990-1991
Dr. M. Anne Spence,
President, 1992
Dr. Thaddeus Kelly,
President, 1993-1994
Dr. Edward McCade,
President, 1995-1996
Dr. Peter Byers,
President, 1997
Dr. Daniel Van Dyke,
President, 1998-1999
Dr. Haid Kazazian,
President, 2000
Dr. Miriam Blitzer,
President, 2001
Dr. Roberta Pagon,
President, 2002-2003
Dr. Nancy Carpenter,
President, 2004
Dr. Georgia Wiesner,
President, 2005
Dr. Nancy Carpenter,
President, 2006
Dr. Stuart Schwartz,
President, 2007
Dr. Cynthia Moore,
President, 2008
Dr. Charles Schwartz,
President, 2009
Dr. Christopher
President, 2010
Dr. Tina Cowan,
President, 2011
Dr. Cynthia Powell,
President, 2012
Dr. Athena Cherry,
President, 2013
Dr. Laurie Demmer,
President, 2015
Dr. V. Reid Sutton,
Chair, 2016-2017
Dr. Ayesha Ahmad,
Chair, 2018-2019
Dr. Azra Ligon,
Chair, 2020-2021
Dr. Anne Slavotinek,
Chair, 2022
Dr. Katrina Dipple,
Chair, 2023-2025

To reinforce its commitment to quality care at the individual level, the Board, with the assistance of the National Board of Medical Examiners, instituted certifying examinations in these areas of expertise. The first examination was offered in 1981. These certifying examinations are currently offered every two years. Because the technology of medical genetics is advancing so rapidly, test questions must be thoroughly reviewed and rewritten each time to be sure that the geneticists who take the exams are thoroughly up-to-date in a fast-moving field. In order to be eligible to sit for the examination, the candidate must have successfully completed a minimum of two years in an ABMGG-accredited training program. Individuals who want to sit for clinical genetics and genomics and a laboratory specialty must complete a minimum of three years in an ABMGG- or ACGME-accredited training program (see training options).

In order to ensure that state-of-the-art techniques, standards and practices are being met at the institutional level, a stringent process of accreditation has been made available to programs that train medical genetics personnel in the areas of clinical and laboratory medicine. The Residency Review Committee (RRC) for the American Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredits both clinical and laboratory training programs. The ABMGG accredited laboratory training programs through the end of 2023.

In September of 1991, the Executive Committee of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the Assembly of the ABMS approved our application for acceptance as a new board of the ABMS and, in a parallel but independent action, the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association approved the application in December of 1991. The ABMS has approved the certification of MD’s and PhD’s in the areas of clinical genetics and genomics, Ph.D. medical genetics (no longer offered), clinical biochemical genetics, clinical cytogenetics and genomics, and clinical molecular genetics and genomics. At the same time, the genetic counselors (master’s prepared individuals) established their own board for certification of individuals and the accreditation of graduate level training programs.

ABMS and the specialty boards are accountable both to the public and the medical profession through:

  • Helping Patients by providing information about the board certification process and which doctors are board certified.
  • Supporting Physicians by creating programs that assist doctors in staying current in their field and improve their practice.
  • Collaborating with Healthcare Leaders to foster initiatives for the promotion and monitoring of healthcare quality.
  • Transforming Healthcare by increasing awareness of the importance of board certification and lifelong learning in assuring quality care.