All correspondence should be mailed to the ABMGG Administrative Office at the following address:

6120 Executive Blvd., Suite 525, Rockville, MD, 20852

Phone: (301) 634-7315


For inquiries regarding:

Credentials and Certification: For individuals who have questions regarding eligibility to sit for an ABMGG certification exam:

Continuing Certification (MOC): For ABMGG diplomates who have questions about maintaining their certification:

CertLink: For questions/issues regarding ABMGG’s longitudinal assessment:

Staff contact information:

Miriam (Mimi) Blitzer, PhD, FACMG, Chief Executive Officer | (301) 634-7315

Stacie Miller, MS, CAE, Chief Administrative Officer | (301) 634-7425

Tamika Edaire, Communications and Diplomate Relations Specialist | (301) 634-7317

Dia Pellerin, Administrative Coordinator | (301) 634-7316

Facebook Posts

Login to your Portal today to make sure you are current in your certification ahead of the end of this year.*FOR DIPLOMATES IN A 2022-2024 CYCLE: All Professionalism, Lifelong Learning & Practice Improvement activities must be completed by 12/31.Questions? Email See MoreSee Less
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There is only one week until the Early Bird registration deadline for #ACMGMtg25! Register by Wednesday, December 18th for discounted rates. Remember to book your hotel before your preferred hotel is filled (you must register first). #medicalgenetics #medicaleducation Los Angeles Convention Center See MoreSee Less
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Our Fall newsletter went out this week! Read the latest information from the Board on exams, Continuing Certification and more! See MoreSee Less
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